
Identify the concentration of sucrose

A solution (A) which is having an analytic (sucrose) was provided in a 250.0 mL volumetric flask. A 10.00 mL aliquot of this solution was diluted to the 25.00 mL in a volumetric flask. This second solution (B) gave an absorbance of 0.235. A third solution(C) was prepared by transferring another the 10.00 mL aliquot of the sucrose solution (A) to a different 25.00 mL volumetric flask, adding the 10.00 mL of a 1.00 mg L-1 sucrose solution and diluting to the 25.00 mL. The absorbance of solution C was 0.502. Identify the concentration of sucrose in the 250.0mL flask.

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Chemistry: Identify the concentration of sucrose
Reference No:- TGS0865119

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