
Identify the character of the protagonist most of the rest

Theater Assignment

Before attempting this assignment make sure that you completed the theater lecture, as well as the relevant glossary entries.

A) Browse the following films and posts to determine which interests you and which has not already been reserved. DO NOT select a film that another student has already selected. Choose a film that you already know or have the time and interest to watch. If there isn't one that you know from this list then contact me as soon as possible.

B) To reserve a film. Click New Post, type the name of the film in the subject area and into the message area. When you are ready open your post, click reply, and then type in your response.

C) DO NOT present this as an outline. Present it in paragraph form as you would any paper.


name of film
introduction of film
protagonist identified
the term protagonist is underlined
rationale for protagonist
discuss the physical characteristics of the protagonist
the term physical characteristic is underlined
discuss the social characteristics of the protagonist
the term social characteristic is underlined
discuss the psychological characteristics of the protagonist
the term psychological characteristic is underlined
antagonist identified
the term antagonist is underlined
rationale for antagonist
foil identified
the term foil is underlined
rationale for foil
confidant identified
the term confidant is underlined
rationale for confidant
the type of organization identified
the type of organization is underlined
rationale for type of organization
discussion of exposition
the term exposition is underlined
dramatic question identified
the term dramatic question is underlined
first complication identified
the term complication is underlined
how the complication changes the direction of the story
second complication identified
how the complication changes the direction of the story
third complication identified
how the complication changes the direction of the story
fourth complication identified
how the complication changes the direction of the story
denouement discussed
the term denouement is underlined
dramatic question answered
foreshadowing identified
foreshadowing underlined
the scene that foreshadows has been described
the scene that resolves the foreshadowing has been described
a conclusion to the paper is presented
total point possible

In the first paragraph identify the film selected and give a brief description of the film. Assume that the reader has not seen the film and this is their first introduction to it. What could you say about it in one or two brief sentences that would give some basic understanding of it?

In the second paragraph identify the character of the protagonist (not the actor's name). Most of the rest of the character applications will be applied as to their relationship to the protagonist. So while their may be more than one protagonist, what choice would make applying the rest of the characters easiest? Also, bear in mind that a character may fulfill more than one role. DO NOT just say that the character is the protagonist because that is the main character. That is just a definition. Then discuss the characterizations of the protagonist. Make sure that you use the terms (physical characteristics, social characteristics, and psychological characteristics). Also, review your notes as to what these mean.

In the third paragraph identify the antagonist, foil, and confidant and how they fulfill those roles with respect to the protagonist. Which character creates the most conflict with respect to the protagonist? Make sure that the characteristics of the foil and how they are similar or different from the protagonist are identified. How does this make those of the protagonist more apparent? This is not necessarily the protagonist's 'friend'. Make sure that you understand what the character's purpose within the film constitutes. - Review your notes and/or the reinforcement.

In the fourth paragraph identify the type of organization. There were three that were identified in the theater lecture. Most films have all three, but choose the one that is most dominant. Then discuss the exposition, complication, and denouement. In the exposition discuss the set up of the film - this should be at most one or two sentences. Then identify the dramatic question, which should be one that is central to the theme or point of the film and that cannot be answered until the denouement. Identify four complications and how each changes the direction of the story. Make sure you are discussing complications and not just conflicts. While a conflict can be a complication, not all are complications. If it changes the direction of the plot, then it is a complication. In the discussion of the denouement include how the dramatic question was answered. If it was answered earlier, then choose a different dramatic question.

The fifth paragraph should include the example of foreshadowing and a brief conclusion. Make sure you know what foreshadowing means. It is not something that happens that is just a logical progression of the plot. (Someone is kidnapped and later the person who is kidnapped is found.) Rather, it is a something that hints at something that will become important later. It is seeing the result of the foreshadowing that makes it integral to the film. All films have them. (He kept tapping his ring whenever he spoke to her. Later we find out that is where he kept the poison.) Be sure to describe both the scene that foreshadows and the scene in which the foreshadowing is resolved. The conclusion should be a wrap up to what you have discussed in the paper.

Present the post in paragraph form with proper spelling, grammar and sentence construction.

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