
Identify the central tenets of stoic ethics


Aristotelianism: The Naturalistic Worldview

1. Identify the ways in which Aristotle's philosophy has impacted history and society.

Which of the following is a way in which Aristotle impacted history and society?

a.) He is considered to be the first moral philosopher because he sought to answer questions about what is right and wrong.

b.) He formalized the study of logic, and established precise rules to determine the validity of an argument.

c.) He was the first philosopher to discover scientific knowledge that is still considered to be true.

d.) He created harmony between science and religion by acknowledging the existence of certain unexplainable mysteries.

Aristotle's Highest Good

2. Identify the central tenets of Aristotle's ethics.

Select the statement that represents a central tenet of Aristotle's ethics.

a.) The virtuous man will be honest at all times, no matter the consequences to himself and others.

b.) The virtuous man will nurture rational honestly.

c.) The virtuous man will be honest when it is of benefit to him.

d.) The virtuous man will act honestly only in public.

Applying Aristotle's Ethics

3. Apply the central tenets of Aristotle's ethics. Casey is nervous about his upcoming camping trip because he's afraid of spiders.

According to Aristotle's ethical tenets, what should Casey do to deal with his fear of spiders?

a.) Casey should immediately squash any spiders he sees.

b.) Casey should avoid spiders completely.

c.) Casey should learn to remain calm in the presence of spiders.

d.) Casey should determine what kind of a thing a spider is.

Stoicism: The Ethics of Dispassion

4. Identify, and apply, the central tenets of Stoic ethics.

Stoicism was a school of philosophy that flourished in ancient Rome.Select the example that represents one of the central tenets of Stoicism.

a.) Ali wishes that she had been an only child, so that she would have received more attention from her parents.

b.) Eliza chooses a medical treatment that will prolong her life, alhtough it may leave her unable to live well.

c.) Kendra works hard because she wants to own the largest house in her neighborhood and drive a fancy car.

d.) Shara decides that she will no longer get angry when customers fail to tip her.

Philosophical Analysis as a Way of Life

5. Apply philosophical approaches to real-world situations. Barbara believes that committing violence against another human being is morally and ethically wrong.

All of the following statements describe Barbara living philosophically EXCEPT ___________?

a.) "Turning the other cheek is the best way to defeat your enemies."

b.) "Spanking is never an appropriate punishment for a child, even when he or she disobeys."

c.) "Declaring war on another country is not the right way to settle disagreements between nations. It only breeds further resentment."

d.) "It's acceptable to fight back as long as you're not the one who throws the first punch."

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History: Identify the central tenets of stoic ethics
Reference No:- TGS03180027

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