
Identify the categorical and numerical variables also known

Question: Topic 2: Descriptive Statistics - Discussion

Discussion Best Practices

The Discussion is a great place to learn in an interactive environment, so be sure to participate actively in the weekly Discussion. By doing so, the entire class benefits from the Discussion and learning is significantly enhanced. You will need to respond substantially to at least two of your classmate's posts. Please try to make your initial posts no later than Sunday night to give your classmates an opportunity to respond. You should also post throughout the week so that you can respond to any responses your classmates have made to your posts as well as participate in the Discussion. Be sure your post is grammatically correct, has been spell checked, and fully answers the question.

Download the MM305_DataSets zip file to your computer. This file is located in Course Documents. You should then select a data set (you may need to use more than one data set to complete the Discussion). You will NOT be able to copy and paste a graph into the Discussion Board, so you should copy your graph to a Word Document and attach it to your response post.

Describing Data with Numbers and Graphs

1. Identify the categorical and numerical variables (also known as qualitative and quantitative variables) in the dataset. (If your dataset does not have both types of variables, please pick an additional dataset.)

2. Select one of your numerical variables and determine whether it is discrete or continuous.

3. Run descriptive statistics on your variable using Excel Data Analysis. Share the summary table in your post.

4. Using Excel, create a bar chart (discrete) or histogram (continuous) for your variable.

5. Attach the Word or Excel file containing the chart to the Discussion post.

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Accounting Basics: Identify the categorical and numerical variables also known
Reference No:- TGS02838632

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