
Identify the career interventions that you consider will

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You are required to create a Personal Career Plan. Your Career Plan should have a cover sheet and contain the following sections:

Career Development Theories (Holands theory and Super theory) (Maximum 2 pages)

Discuss the theories that you think have contributed most to career development. Explain why. Identify and discuss which theory or theories best reflects your beliefs in how careers develop. Give personal examples to justify these beliefs.

Career Interventions

Identify the career interventions that you consider will benefit you most in relation to your career. Identify and discuss which interventions will benefit you most at different stages in your career. Analyze why.

Career Development Strategies in local contexts

Identify organizations that facilitate career development and planning through their HR strategies. Discuss these strategies.

Career Planning Practices in the local and global contexts

Identify the most effective practice/s and explain why these practices offer the best opportunities for career development and planning locally and globally. Give specific examples.

Self-Analysis (include tests undertaken)

Identify and prioritize the knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) you have, the skills and abilities you do not have or need to improve. Discuss and analyze short term development activities you can take to acquire the needed KSAs.

Identification of personal goals and career paths

Define your short range goals (up to 1 year) and your long range goals (2 to 3 years). Discuss and analyze the career paths open to you. You should include a time line with good detail for the next 3 - 5 years.

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HR Management: Identify the career interventions that you consider will
Reference No:- TGS01165135

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Anonymous user

4/20/2016 2:49:30 AM

Do this assignment with all aspects as well read the instructions deeply and do precisely what they need please. Task You are needed to make a Personal Career Plan. Your Career Plan must have a cover sheet and contain the subsequent sections: Career Development Theories (Holands theory and Super theory) Thrash out the theories which you think have donated most to career development. Describe why. Identify and thrash out which theory or theories best reflects your beliefs in how careers develop. Give personal instances to justify these beliefs. Career Interventions Recognize the career interventions which you consider will advantage you most in relation to your career. Make out and thrash out which interventions will advantage you most at dissimilar stages in your career. Examine why.