The color distribution of plain M&M's varies by the factory in which they were made. The Hackettstown, New Jersey plant uses the following color distribution for plain M&M's: 12.5% red, 25% orange, 12.5% yellow, 12.5% green, 25% blue, and 12.5% brown. Each piece of candy in a random sample of 100 plain M&M's from the Hackettstown factory was classified according to color, and the results are listed below. Use a 0.05 significance level to test the claim that the Hackettstown factory color distribution is correct. Describe method used for calculating answer.
Color and number
Red 11
Orange 28
Yellow 20
Green 9
Blue 20
Brown 12
(a) Identify the appropriate hypothesis test and explain the reasons why it is appropriate for analyzing this data.
(b) Identify the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis.