Assignment task: A new but rapidly-growing U.S. aerospace company is developing a promising heavy-lift rocket, along with spacecraft for manned and unmanned missions. The founder and CEO hears a rumor that several of the company's employees are trying to stir up interest among their co-workers in obtaining union representation to empower them in negotiating better wages, benefits, and working conditions from the company. One of the managers has obtained a list of the employees believed to be the instigators and recommends the CEO fire them to nip this movement in the bud.
Q1. Identify the applicable federal law, stating your reason for choosing that law, and the legal issue posed by this recommendation under that law.
Q2. Under that law, carefully analyze whether it would be legal for the CEO to follow that manager's advice, showing your reasoning clearly.
Q3. If the company fires those employees, and that state follows the doctrine of employment at will, can the employees hope to succeed in a civil suit against the company for wrongful discharge? Explain.