
Identify the alternative actions that are possible and the

In the Module 3 Case, we will use the Utility Test to inform our understanding of the Mattel case study.

Required Reading

Visit the library, and locate the following article:

Sethi, S., Veral, E., Shapiro, H., & Emelianova, O. (2011). Mattel, Inc.: Global manufacturing principles (GMP) - A life-cycle analysis of a company-based code of conduct in the toy industry. Journal of Business Ethics, 99(4), 483-517. Retrieved from ProQuest.

Case Assignment

In a well-written, 4- to 5-page paper, apply the Utility Test to the Mattel case study.

Keys to the Assignment

1. Choose an ethical issue raised by the Mattel case study (e.g., you might choose to analyze Mattel's treatment of employees).

2. Apply the Utility Test: https://ethicsops.com/UtilityTest.php

3. Be sure that you follow each step of the Utility Test (use a separate section heading for discussion of each step of the test):

1. Introduce the test.

2. Briefly discuss why utility ethics is a valid way of deciding right and wrong.

3. Apply the test

Step1: Identify the alternative actions that are possible and the persons and groups (the stakeholders) who will be affected by these actions.

Step 2: For each of the most promising alternatives, determine the benefits and costs to each person or group affected.

Step 3: Select the action in the current situation that produces the greatest benefits over costs for all affected.

Step 4: Discuss what would happen if the action were a policy for all similar situations.

4. Draw a conclusion. If the same action is selected in Steps 3 & 4, then the action is an ethical one. If different actions are selected, decide whether the individual action will produce the greatest good and the least harm, for all affected, over the long term.

5. Be sure to use at least two sources from the library to support your discussion and analysis (choose sources that are not included in the Background section of Module 3).

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Dissertation: Identify the alternative actions that are possible and the
Reference No:- TGS02209541

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