2.1.1 Using the information contained within the Case Study together with the concepts, modelsand theories contained within the LBO module critically discuss how RETSA's Chief ExecutiveOfficer (CEO leadership style and the organisational practices he has introduced) recognisethe needs of the business and its workforce.
2.1.2 Identify the additional contributions that RETSA team leaders, staff and other stakeholderscould make to increase the likelihood of a successful implementation of the new "low cost"internet channel.
Specifically, propose fully justified actions as follows: one action that theCEO should take to increase the engagement of senior managers; one action that he shouldtake to increase the engagement of junior staff and one action that he should take to maintainor improve the support of other stakeholders. All of your recommendations should bejustified with reference to leadership concepts, models, theories and/or contemporaryleadership practice.
2.1.3 Use motivational theory to critically evaluate the CEO's approach to motivating RETSA staff.What are the key factors that the CEO should consider during the implementation of the new"low cost internet channel"? Why are these key? (20 marks)
2.1.4 Select a specific change management methodology that is most likely to be effective forimplementing the change associated with the new "low cost" internet channel. Explain thestrengths and potential weaknesses of this methodology. Prepare three concise bullet pointscontaining the arguments that you could use in a conversation with the CEO to convince himof the value of using this particular methodology. Each argument should be fully justifiedusing relevant concepts, models and/or theory contained within the LBO module.
2.1.5 Reflect on your own Leadership Style utilising an appropriate diagnostic tool (such as that usedin Topic 4) and explain why you would, or would not, consider accepting a role at RETSA.
If you would accept a role explain with reference to ‘cultural fit' and your preferred leadershipstyle whether your preference would be to work in the traditional section of the business(covering Legal and Trade Union Sectors), the Accountancy Market Teams or the new "lowcost" Internet Channel. If you would not want to accept a role, explain with referenceto ‘cultural fit' and your preferred leadership style, why this would not be an appropriateenvironment for you.