
Identify the acceptable exposure limits for affected

Assignment: Occupational Risk

Select and complete one of the following assignments.

Option 1: Occupational Risk Research Paper

Resource: University of Phoenix Library

Choose a lead, asbestos, or silica contaminant hazard for occupational risk assessment research.

Research your chosen occupational risk and analyze the assessments of human exposure to contaminants and evaluate how these assessments were conducted.

Write a 525- to 700-word research paper in which you include the following:

· Describe how the risks of exposure to a specified concentration of your chosen hazard may be calculated differently for public household exposure versus workplace occupational exposure.

· Answer the following in your paper:

o In general, how does the application of occupational risk assessment differ from ecological or human health risks? For example, occupational risks may be based on a 10-hour workday, whereas animals or insects might have different ecological exposure risks and life spans.

o How might your chosen human health risk hazard differ in terms of risk if it were ecological rather than a nonoccupational exposure?

· Identify the acceptable exposure limits for affected populations in occupational and nonoccupational environments. Explain the reasons for the differing risk assessment models and explain the justification for the differences.

Cite at least two references on risk assessment related to your chosen contaminant.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Option 2: Time-of-Day Occupational Risk Paper or Podcast

Resource: University of Phoenix Library

Write a 525- to 700-word paper or record a 2- to 3-minute podcast in which you address the following:

· Analyze the risk relationship between variable and night shift work to occupational accidents.

· Choose one of the following examples or obtain approval from your instructor of other examples:

o Police shift work

o Union Carbide and Bhopal, India accident

o Shift worker and Chernobyl, Russia accident

o Three Mile Island, Pennsylvania accident

· Address the following in your analysis:

o Industry risk

o Time of shift

o Length of shift

o Biological clock

o Stress

o Boredom

o Country or ethnicity

· Explain how risk assessment is applied differently between occupational and nonoccupational environments.

Cite at least two scholarly references on occupation risk assessment.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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Dissertation: Identify the acceptable exposure limits for affected
Reference No:- TGS02508462

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