
Identify the academic language features within the text

Critical reading analysis

Read the text and complete the following tasks.

1. Annotate the text (Approx. 50 words) -

- Identify the main topic, subtopics and their supporting points

- Identify the academic language features within the text reference to the main topic/subtopics, reference forwards or backwards to neighbouring sentences, connectives.

2. Write an analysis (200 - 250 words) -

Write an academic paragraph identifying the main ideas in the text and their supporting points. Analyse how the content of the reading will assist employees to succeed in the workplace.

Source: Chesebro, J. (2014). Professional communication at work: Interpersonal strategies for career success. New York: Routledge.

Communication and organizations

The Workplace as Our Communication Context

The focus of this book is on communication in the business and professional workplace. With that in mind, this overview will be guided by the following question: What aspects of the organizational context shape our interpersonal communication in important ways? A number of factors that have been identified by Richmond and McCroskey (2009) and  others will be reviewed. As each of these is introduced, consider the ways in which organizational life is different from the world of school, and some of the problems this may create for newer employees.

Systems. Organizations are systems, in the sense that members in organizations are interdependent, meaning that they influence, and are influenced by, each other. In addition, systems are characterized by the familiar phrase that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. In fact, this is a main reason for organizing-a group working together can accomplish something greater than a collection of individuals who are working on their own. [...] Similarly, in organizations, there is a potential to create something greater than the sum of our individual efforts. An additional aspect of systems is that as people leave the system or as new people are introduced to the system, the system will be changed. Sometimes the change will be minor, sometimes major. [...] In organizations, shifts in personnel can change the character of the system, whether for better or worse. Furthermore, as new people come into an organization and have the potential to change it, it can be a challenge to maintain an organization's culture. This helps explain why the organization system is one factor that will shape our communication in the organizational context.

Roles. Communication in organizations is also shaped by the role that we are asked to play.  A worker's  role  in  the  organization  is shaped  by  their  job  description (Richmond & McCroskey, 2009). This role also means that individuals cannot simply be themselves in organizations, at least in terms of acting how they would outside of work. [...] In a sense, at work employees have to play a role, not unlike an actor or actress (with less glamour of course). Flight attendants can't complain to fliers about how they're tired from a long flight and just want to get home. Waiters and waitresses can't tell parents what they really think about their messy obnoxious kids. Workers might also encounter more subtle role conflicts. A sales person may be uncomfortable calling households during the evening and imposing. Those in banking or insurance may struggle with having to deny a loan or claim to someone who seems deserving. Those in health care may struggle to maintain professional distance when they want to express greater empathy for their patients. The concept of role conflict is important because it has been linked to a number of important outcomes, including less happiness, perceived health, and job satisfaction (Schaufeli, Bakker, van der Heijden, & Prins, 2009); emotional exhaustion (Kirk-Brown & Wallace, 2004); burnout (Kirk-Brown & Wallace, 2004; Schaufeli et al., 2009); and less effective job performance (Katz & Kahn, 1978). Similarly, role ambiguity, or not having a clear sense of one's role in the organization, also has been linked to negative outcomes, such as job performance (Tubre & Collins, 2000). In a comprehensive analysis of many research studies, Jackson and Schuler (1985) identified some of the following outcomes of not knowing our role clearly, or experiencing internal conflict because of our role: less job satisfaction, less commitment, less involvement, greater chance of leaving, more tension or anxiety, and less effective performance. Results like these point to the importance of finding careers and organizations that fit well, and of making sure that individuals have a clear understanding of their role, as these are important elements that shape our communication in organizations.

Rules and Norms. Rules are the formal expectations for how staff are to perform in their job. They usually are clarified in an employee handbook. Norms are "established patterns or standards accepted by most members of the organization" (Richmond & McCroskey, 2009, p. 5). They might be thought of as habits that people or the organization have fallen into that others are expected to follow. Some may be so solidified that they might as well be formal rules. However, while rules are clearly stated, norms present a challenge to new employees, as they often will not be formally stated or mentioned anywhere (because employees have come to take them for granted, so they wouldn't think of writing them down or posting them). In spite of this informality, the sanctions for violating them can be serious. Suppose those with seniority are allowed certain perks-certain parking spaces, leaving early, and so on-and that a new employee unknowingly were to take advantage of one or more of the perks. Although no formal rule exists, the new employee will be viewed negatively by coworkers. This presents an important challenge for new employees. On one hand, employees need to know the unwritten norms that nobody mentions to them. On the other hand, the rules are unwritten and nobody mentions them!

Culture. According to Richmond and McCroskey (2009), "culture is the way a group thinks and behaves" (p. 8). It should be no surprise that, organizations are systems with formal and informal rules, norms, and networks, and each organization is likely to take on a character of its own. An organization's culture comprises the members' shared behaviors, attitudes, and assumptions (Schein, 2004). It can be challenging for a new employee to adapt to a new organizational culture. Even within the same profession, different organizations can have different cultures. One hospital's culture will differ from another's. Two outlets of the same restaurant chain may have different cultures. Even departments within the same organization can have distinctly different cultures.

(Adapted from Chesebro, 2014, p. 8 - 11)

2. Write an analysis (200 - 250 words) -

Write an academic paragraph identifying the main ideas in the text and their supporting points. Analyse how the content of the reading will assist employees to succeed in the workplace.

(Write paragraph here)

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Business Management: Identify the academic language features within the text
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