
Identify subjective questions you would like to ask patient

Assignment task:

CC: 18-year-old female presents c/o right sided abdominal pain

HPI: An 18-year-old female presents to the Family Nurse Practitioner's office complaining of right sided abdominal pain that started 1 day ago. She states the pain is constant, rates severity as 7/10, and is associated with nausea and vomiting x 3 today. She denies diarrhea and reports her last BM this morning was normal. She complains of feeling warm and had a temperature of 100.8 at home. She is sexually active, and occasionally uses condoms. Her LMP was two weeks ago and normal. She has had no sick contacts.

ROS: She denies dysuria, frequency, or vaginal discharge. Denies URI, pharyngitis, or cough.

PMHX: Depression

Medications: Prozac 20 mg q day

Allergies: NKDA

1. When approaching this patient, identify three key subjective questions you would like to ask the patient that you feel are most important to evaluating this patient. Provide your rationale for these three key subjective questions.

2. Identify the key aspects of the physical examination that you feel must be included in the exam. Provide a rationale for these areas being the required aspects of the exam. Include two differential diagnoses with rationale you would consider for this patient. Want Online Help?

3. Develop a holistic clinical management plan, including non-pharmacological and pharmacological therapies, diagnostic measures (e.g., labs and testing, imaging, etc.), patient education, and follow-up including return to clinic.

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Other Subject: Identify subjective questions you would like to ask patient
Reference No:- TGS03448396

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