Assignment task: Mr. Swan had made it through his first semester of teaching industrial technology at Lindberg Middle School. For the most part, he felt good about his teaching relationships with students and other faculty, and the support he received from his principal. One problem kept him from being completely pleased with this job, however. Two students who were difficult to handle during his first semester computer drafting class had signed up to take his electronics class for the second semester. Mr. Swan's concern was that the two might continue to talk loudly, use tools inappropriately, hit at each other, and bother other students as they had done in the drafting class. Talking to them didn't seem to help.
When the lunch bell rang, Mr. Swan headed for the teachers' lounge as he did every day. He appreciated having time to talk with other adults and today he had a question for his colleagues. "Stewart Bell and Annie Hanks are in my electronic class this term. When I had them last term, they were difficult. Can you give me some ideas about what to do with them when they misbehave?" Several of the teachers had ideas for Mr. Swan, so he grabbed a paper and pencil and proceeded to write down their suggestions. After school he took out the paper and looked at the ideas he had listed:
- Make a contract with them. Tell them they have three times to misbehave, then you will send them to the principal.
- The contract idea is good, but reward their good behavior rather than punish their bad behavior.
- Make them come to your class before or after school to do extra assignments.
- If you ignore their behavior, it will stop.
- Give them detention, then call their parents.
- Talk to them privately about their behavior. Explain how they will be punished, then follow through.
- Give them a failing grade for the day.
Using a behaviorist's perspective, identify strategies (from the above list) that you would consider effective and those you would consider ineffective.