
Identify stereotypes expressed in each situation


Diversity focuses on the "otherness" or differences between individuals and has a goal of making sure, through policies, that everyone is treated the same. While this is the legal and the right thing to do, multiculturalism looks at a system of advantages based on race, gender, and sexual orientation called power and privilege. In this system, the advantages are based on a system in which one race, gender, and sexual orientation is predominant in setting societal rules and norms.

We wish to expand the definition used in our book for this discussion forum by adding religion, age, and (dis)ability to class, gender, and sexual orientation as aspects of identity also subject to a system of advantages and disadvantage that set -- not only our societal rules and norms, but more importantly for this course--our company and organizational rules and norms.

Step I: Considering all that we have read and watched this week regarding diversity, inclusiveness, multiculturalism, stereotyping, bias, and laws pertaining to discrimination on the basis of violations to 'protected' classes, watch the following YouTube videos before answering the questions below.

i. "Different Ideas about "Inclusion""
ii. "Example of Racial Discrimination in the Workplace"
iii. "It's Worse Than You Think (Age Bias at Work)".

Step II: Each of the videos depicts a different aspect of how we deal with people who may be perceived as 'other' because of the color of their skin, their religious or ethnic background, or their age. Try to identify stereotypes expressed, assumptions made about the 'other' that are being expressed, and behavior that is being enacted on the bases of these faulty stereotypes or biased assumptions. Please answer the following questions with these issues in mind, citing concepts from our reading when applicable:

i. Identify stereotypes expressed in each situation. Making reference to the various components of stereotypes and stereotyping in our reading this week, explain in what ways these are stereotypes.

ii. How are the stereotypes handled by those who are affected? In what ways are the stereotypes harmful? In what ways are the stereotypes hurtful?

iii. What does our reading have to say about how we might find out if any of the bias expressed is legally actionable at work? In other words, what more would we have to know to determine if the conduct is discriminatory or simply wrong but probably not illegal?

iv. What strategies do you observe in each of the videos for confronting the bias, correcting he stereotypes, or otherwise managing intolerance for diversity? Which strategy do you believe is most effective? Why? Which strategy is least effective? Why?

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HR Management: Identify stereotypes expressed in each situation
Reference No:- TGS03339579

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