
Identify standards that guide professional nursing practice

Assignment task: The Registered Nurse standards for practice (Nursing & Midwifery Board of Australia, 2016) identifies seven standards that guide current professional nursing practice. the selected standard is Provides safe, appropriate and responsive quality nursing practice standard or a criterion within that standard, that is of mutual interest. Identify  innovations in health informatics/ technology that can support safe patient centered care in addressing the standard/ criterion. Contextualise your project focus in relation to a contemporary health care challenge. Develop a question to guide your project development. For example:

1. How can we use [innovation] to achieve [NMBA standard] for [individuals/communities experiencing x health challenge].Title slide: Name of project, group number and names.

2. Introduction (2 minutes).

3. Innovations is asynchronous telemedicine in remote area breast cancer diagnosis /treatment as a innovative idea

(a) An explanation of the nature of the innovation;

(b) An explanation of how it addresses the standard and contributes to safe person centered care;

(c) Examples as necessary;

(d) A critical evaluation of the innovation. You could critique advantages and disadvantages, or how the innovation might interact with existing practices, or justify possibilities for future development, application or research.

4. Conclusion (2 minutes): Briefly summarize key contributions and implications for future practice.

5. Reference List

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Other Subject: Identify standards that guide professional nursing practice
Reference No:- TGS03380264

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