
Identify specifically your future public health care goals


A. Racial/Ethnic Identity: a statement of racial/ethnic Bangladesh identity development and formation (i.e., who are you, where do you come from, how did your racial/ethnic identity development, how has it influenced your life and well-being)

B. Culture and Worldview: Write a reflection and analysis of Bangladesh's cultural formation and worldview development (i.e., what is your cultural heritage, with which cultural groups do you identify most, what is your personal worldview, what factors have influenced most your cultural and worldview development).

C. Social Determinants of Health: analysis of the social determinants of health and health disparities in Bangladesh that exist within the community and/or groups with which you identify. How have these determinants and disparities impacted your own health and well-being?

D. Influence to Work in Public Health: Identify specifically your future public health/health care goals. How does your racial/ethnic, cultural, worldview, determinants/disparities, or another form of identity background and framework influence your desire to work in public health/health care? How does it influence the population groups with whom you hope to work? How does it influence the public health problems you hope to address? How has it shaped or contributed to your own concepts of health, healing, and well-being?

E. Personal Biases: Based on who you are, with whom you identify, and how you have been influenced developmentally, what potential biases or blind spots have you identified through this course of which you will have to be mindful as you enter your chosen profession? Identify at least two and discuss each separately. Are there populations or perspectives of which you had not previously been aware? Identify at least two and discuss each separately. What specific tools, strategies or resources do you plan to use to mitigate any biases in the future? Identify at least three and discuss each separately.

F. Using My Privileges: Think about your personal privileges and advantages. How can you utilize any or all privileges you have, via your intersecting identities, to contribute to structural solutions for health disparities and population health problems in the U.S.? How can you specifically contribute to social justice and health equity solutions are given these privileges and identities? Discuss at least three areas of privilege.

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History: Identify specifically your future public health care goals
Reference No:- TGS03273785

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