The formulation of a strong ethical argument is vital to our success as patient advocates. In many cases, our words (written or spoken aloud), are the only tools we have to rely on when fulfilling our fiduciary responsibility to those in our care. Once we have contemplated and formed a compelling ethical argument, we must communicate that argument to those around us in order for the argument to influence the decision and make a difference in the lives of our patients.
You will need to utilize Nelson's Method for formulating an ethical argument for the following case study provided by the Center for Practical Bioethics.
• The Case of Jack: What are the Limits of a Community's right to know?
Address each step of Nelson's method for formulating an ethical argumentprecedents
Draft a paragraph introducing the dilemma and a short conclusion stating the premise you will argue
Include supporting perspectives, principles, and precedent for each aspect of your argument
Provide at least three sources to support the argument
A. Recognize the background/circumstances leading to the ethical conflict
B. Identify the specific ethical questions that need clarification
C. Consider the related ethical principles and/or organizational values
D. Determine the options for response
E. Recommend a response
F. Anticipate ethical conflict (why did this occur and can it be prevented in future cases?)