
Identify specific actions a manager can take at each stage

Group Behavior in Organizations (Must Answer All Three Questions)

QUESTION  - Organization Design

More than ever, groups and teams are responsible for executing tasks in the workplace. Take a position on the following statement: All organizations should use the group structure as the basic building block for designing and organizing jobs. Answer must be 250 words and include at least one reference that is cited in the body of the paper.

Possible Group Strengths

· Through group cohesiveness, a group's members can gain a sense of belonging, respect and trust.

· A group is not dependent on the skills of one person. In a group, it is possible for an individual to take on different roles. Each role will reflect how individual skills and responsibilities change with time.

· Because skills, experience and knowledge are pooled, there are greater resources to be drawn upon.

· Groups can support individuals, share problems and provide mutual help and encouragement. Groups give the opportunity for individuals to talk to others with similar problems and share their experiences.

· A group can be a safe environment to bring about individual understanding and development. Because individual behavior, feelings and attitudes are greatly influenced by other people, group members can provide role models and reinforcement through mutual support and positive feedback.

· People may feel less isolated and intimidated than in a one-to-one situation. Shared workload and support networks.

Possible Group Weaknesses

· It may be difficult to maintain confidentiality within a group.

· Some individuals do not like being in a group situation and they may not wish to express problems or share ideas with others in a group setting. Such people may become disruptive or withdraw.

· Individuals may resent the pressure to conform to the group's norms.

· Group labels can lead to stigmatization and to overcome this, some groups are renamed e.g. renaming the 'Alcoholics Support Group', to 'The Cafe Society', may change outsiders' perceptions of the group. Whilst the new name may be less socially stigmatized, such anonymity can lead to outsiders not knowing the group's role.

· Organizing a group needs resources, accommodation, time and on-going commitment."


Coget, J. and Losh, S. (2018). Group behavior in organizations (2nd ed.). [Electronic version].

QUESTION 2 - Group Development Process

Consider the Tuckman group stage process schema as discussed in Chapter 2 (see attached) of your text.

Identify specific actions a manager can take at each stage of the process to best help a group reach the performing stage. Must be 250 words. Support your statement with the textbook (use and cite).

Tuckman's Stages of Group Development


Coget, J. and Losh, S. (2018). Group behavior in organizations (2nd ed.). [Electronic version].

QUESTION 3 - The Research Project

Identify a generic organization (e.g., manufacturing plant, hospital, educational institution).

Assume that you are part of a research team examining work groups in the organization to determine factors that enhance or inhibit group productivity.

Identify what factors you would examine in your research and provide a rationale for your choice. Must be 250 words. Support your statement with the textbook (use & cite).


Coget, J. and Losh, S. (2018). Group behavior in organizations (2nd ed.). [Electronic version].

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Operation Management: Identify specific actions a manager can take at each stage
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