
Identify significant elements of an organization motivation

Imagine that you are the owner of a small manufacturing company. Your company manufactures a commodity, widgets. Your widget is a clone of a nationally known widget. Your company's widget, WooWoo, is less expensive and more readily available than the nationally known brand. Presently, the sales are high; however, there are many defects, which increase your costs and delays delivery. Your company has fifty (50) employees in the following departments: sales, assembly, technology, and administration.
Your professor will assign you to a team during Week 1. Your team is expected to meet the following requirements:

1. Meet (in person or virtually) at least once between Week 1 and Week 5.

2. Select a team leader.

3. Collaborate and address the objectives of this assignment together. However, you are expected to write and submit individual papers. Please adhere to the University's academic integrity policy.

4. Reflect upon your team experiences.

Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you:

1. Identify significant elements of an organization motivation plan that encourage high job satisfaction, high productivity, high quality work, and low turnover (i.e., job flexibility, training, recognition).

2. Determine which motivational theory you would use to support your motivational plan.

3. Propose three (3) ways to motivate the minimum wage service worker. Support your suggestions with a motivation theory.

4. Consider how communication, attitudes, behaviors, and culture affect team performance. Outline a guide that you would use to lead a work team (e.g., cross-functional, virtual, problem-solving, etc.).

5. Reflect on your individual experience working with your team. Ensure that you include the following:

How and why the team leader was selected
How often your team met
Challenges that you experienced during this process
How you would approach team projects / assignments differently in the future
The most important lesson learned from this experience

6. Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment.

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Business Management: Identify significant elements of an organization motivation
Reference No:- TGS01031273

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