
Identify significant costs in your organization - discuss

You will create a professional quality audio visual presentation in this Project that will enhance your value as an asset to your organization. Your critical thinking and credibility as a communicator of information are vital, much desired, skills.

Project: Presenting to the Board of Directors (BoD):

The second and final part of the Project Part 2 is due at the end of Unit 5 in the form of PowerPoint presentation with audio recording. The audio portion will be the narrative you will be presenting as if this were a live presentation to the Board of Directors of your organization which is a vital skill in management.

Your Unit 4 Assignment: Project Part 1 of the case study will be the starting point for your PowerPoint presentation. But, the presentation will include an additional segment not required in the Project paper from Unit 4. If you have not submitted the Unit 4 - Project Part 1 assignment, you will not be eligible to submit the Unit 5 - Project Part 2.

Checklist: Your PowerPoint presentation with audio should:

Address Project Part 1 checklist items:

-Be based on the unit Reading and additional articles.

- Begin with a brief review of the organization. Keep in mind that the members of the board may or may not have read the report you completed in Part 1 of the Project. Even though this will be a brief presentation, it should include all essential information and data.

- Identify significant costs in your organization.

- Include a section devoted to Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis (CVP).

- Discuss budgeting considerations. Include the organization's budget process, the organization's budget variances and discuss management decisions related to budgeting.

- Present a balanced scorecard, incorporating all four of the organizational dimensions (financial, customer, internal business, and learning and growth).

- Create a "Strategy Map" for your organization.

New requirement for the presentation: Next, incorporate a discussion of "Global Interconnectedness" addressing the checklist items. Use the textbook and the additional article readings as a basis for analysis.


- How do global economic pressures impact your organization?
- Who are the direct international competitors?
- How is that competition managed?
- Relate how global interconnectedness affects the choice of heuristics in the management decision-making process. In other words, what different valuation methods in managerial accounting across global boundaries affect decision-making processes? Include asset valuation methodologies in addition to 2 other specific topics.
- Finally, end with a summary review (i.e., formal "Conclusion" slide is required) of the performance evaluation. What are the key strengths and weaknesses of the organization? What changes would you recommend be made to the current organizational strategy?

Additional content could include: A discussion of any potential biases that could potentially impact the outcome of the decision-making process related to the continued success of the organization.

The PowerPoint presentation should include 12 to 14 slides. The first slide must be a title slide, and the final slide must be your reference slide. The audio presentation (voiceover) should be 5 to 10 minutes long. In addition to recording the voiceover, the text of your voiceover must be written into the "Notes" section of each slide. Proper grammar and spelling will be an important part of the Assignment. So, be sure to perform a "spell check".

Important Note: One of the most important techniques to use in any PowerPoint presentation is to create clean, crisp slides that use a minimal number of "bullet points." If the slide is too cluttered, the presentation suffers. Therefore, the "notes" section underneath each slide should be the place where all of the topics in that slide are thoroughly developed. Do not add the body of your presentation to the slides. Only incorporate the main "talking points," then use the notes section to add all of the body, thereby creating a more professional and robust presentation.

Instructions for Submission: After you have completed the Final project Part 2 presentation, upload it to the Unit 5 Assignment2 Dropbox before 11:59 p.m. (ET), on Tuesday of Unit 5.

Name your assignment filename using this format: LastName_FirstName_Unit#_Final. For example, this Assignment will be named: Smith_Joan_Unit05_Final.

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Dissertation: Identify significant costs in your organization - discuss
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