
Identify seven characteristics of theater of the

Identification--Theater of the Absurd

• Use ONLY the material posted on Content / Unit III /Background Study Notes / Seven Characteristics of Theater of the Absurd located below

• Use correct. standard English.

• Submit a minimum of 75 words written in sentences in paragraph form with no listing to identify seven Characteristics of Theater of the Absurd. Do not include any material that is not on the posted notes. Use no outside sources.

The skill you are using is to take information in one format (list) and to present it in another format (sentences to form a paragraph).

The Theatre of the Absurd:

1. Rejection of realism's well-contrived plots for story less plots

2. Rejection of realism's believable and psychologically complex characters for barely recognizable figures with little psychological depth, who seem to be pure action or, perhaps, inaction

3. Rejection of colloquial patterns of dialogue, grand speeches or intense monologues, in favor of banal conversation, incoherent ramblings and disconnected dialogue

4. Use of humor, often farcical

5. Use of violence, often random or illogical, frequently juxtaposed with comedy

6. Repetitious or meaningless activity substituted for logical action

7. Abrupt shifts in direction and tone

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Dissertation: Identify seven characteristics of theater of the
Reference No:- TGS02537114

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