Identify scenario in which you would use ualitative research

Communications Discussion Questions

1. In Communication research, there are several methodological techniques that researchers use to gather data. Identify a scenario in which you would use either ualitative research methods or quantitative. Why would this kind of data collection work best for your scenario?

2. A paradigm is an approach that represents a belief system that presents the world view of the person conducting the research and how knowledge is acquired, the nature of reality, and human nature. Thinking about the social scientists, interpretivists, and the critical approaches, how do you best situate how you view the world through these Communication theories?

Answer each questions with vocab from Fundamentals of Communications

• Posting should be a minimum of one short paragraph and a maximum of two paragraphs. Word totals for each post should be in the 100-200 words range. Whether you agree or disagree explain why with supporting evidence and concepts from the readings or a related experience. Include a reference, link, or citation when appropriate.

• Be organized in your thoughts and ideas, synthesize your ideas with the assigned readings or topics; stay on topic.

• Provide evidence of critical, college-level thinking and thoughtfulness in your responses or interactions. Avoid summarizing.

• Contribute to the learning community by being creative in your approaches to topics, being relevant in the presented viewpoints, and attempting to motivate the discussion.

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: Identify scenario in which you would use ualitative research
Reference No:- TGS02116470

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