
Identify relative success in integrating muslim population

Assignment task:

Length: 1500 words (in addition to the title page and the list of references).

Paper topic: The specific obstacles to successful integration of Muslim communities in Europe's Scandinavia (Denmark, Norway, and Sweden).

To identify relative success in integrating Muslim population you should look at the following:

- Economic indicators (GDP per capita relative to other groups in society, employment/unemployment levels, participation in management, etc.),

- Patterns of political participation (involvement in: political parties and other forms of political activism, political institutions, etc.), and

- Contribution to cultural life (professional associations, arts, entertainment, etc.).

Other possibilities are how well integrated Muslims see themselves and/or how is their integration perceived by non-Muslims in a given society.

What kind of evidence you should look for?

For example: Descriptive statistics, public opinion polls or secondary sources (i.e., analyses already reported by scholars, journalists, and others).

Paper format:

You must support your argument. At least FIVE peer-reviewed outside sources are required. Be sure to supply a list of references and use notations in the text to show where the principal ideas and facts you use come from. These notations should be precise enough to allow others to find the same information easily.

Feel free to use any of the following manuscript styles: APA, MLA, and Chicago.

Some technical suggestions:

Obvious stuff: Double space; normal margins; normal sized fonts; and page numbering.

Grammatical errors and spelling count. Use spell check programs as a first cut, but always reread and check your draft. Write in complete sentences and use structure (see below).

Try to smooth out awkward places in your writing, and turn in your best effort-not a last-minute "quick" job done the night before. Most Profs. can usually spot these.

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Other Subject: Identify relative success in integrating muslim population
Reference No:- TGS03443023

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