Question: Write a 300 word contingency protection plan outline for each category.
Identify potential workplace violence issues related to each of the following categories. Make sure to use your own example(s) for each category:
• Outside persons (i.e., A robber intent on stealing from your store)
• Customers or clients (i.e., A former student who arrives on campus to inflict harm)
• Employees (i.e., An employee that attacks a coworker)
• Outside person who has a direct connection with an employee (i.e., an ex-spouse intending on inflicting harm on the other ex-spouse)
Use the following template for each outline, creating as many headings and sub-headings as needed:
I. Violence by Outside Persons (describe)
A. Policy Statement
B. Summary of Training (describe)
II. Violence by Customers or Clients
Include the following in each contingency plan:
• Policy Statement against this form of violence in the workplace
• Summary of training for employees to prevent this type of violence
• Responsibilities of managers and employees before, during, and after incident