Identify potential source of information for need assessment

Asignment: Planning a Needs Assessment

Write a brief synopsis of how you would conduct a needs assessment for the program you selected for your Program Evaluation Plan project, integrating considerations from our textbook and the Calley article from this unit's assigned readings.

Be sure to cover relevant areas of a needs assessment:

• Describe which types of needs are applicable to your selected program.
• Describe the specific information about these needs that should be acquired.
• Identify potential sources of information for the needs assessment.
• Identify and provide a brief rationale for which needs assessment approaches are appropriate.
• Describe how the needs assessment would be conducted with awareness of and sensitivity to the cultural practices of the people who are thought to have unmet needs.

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: Identify potential source of information for need assessment
Reference No:- TGS02074810

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