
Identify potential factors may influence sales


Case Study (Background to Furphy)

Furphy is one of Australia leading supermarket chains. There are 700 stores in the chain. Originating from a family based chain of general stores, Furphy now has stores all over Australia, with the first one being established 27 years ago. Regarding operation, individual store management has wide-ranging powers about the day-to-day operations of their stores. However, Furphy's strategic planning and direction take place in the company Head Office in Melbourne.

In 2016, Furphy Head Office asked all store managers to add an online channel to their stores to enable customers, in their suburbs, to make their purchase online.

Despite their successful operations and solid financial turnovers in the last two years, Furphy is forecasting a shift in the business climate within the next five years. This is a result of ever-increasing competition in the grocery supermarket sector. Now more than ever, Furphy management feels the need to ensure a good understanding of their business performance. The Furphy Head Office is slightly confused about the lack of enthusiasm of store managers to open their online sales channel given that Furphy Head office has invested heavily on a digital platform and distribution partnership with a transport company. Also, they are planning to put in place a formal procedure to forecast their Sales.

Subsequently, Furphy has approached BEAUTIFUL-DATA (a market research company) and asked them to conduct a study to understand the characteristics of Furphy's stores and their business performance.

The Data

For this study, BEAUTIFUL-DATA has collected two sets of Data:

1. The data related to stores were extracted from the Furphy's datamarts. It is a random sample of 150 stores in the Furphy chain. A complete listing of variables, their definitions, and an explanation of their coding are provided in Working Sheet "Stores-Variable Description.

2. Time-series data is available on Working Sheet "Quarterly Sales".

Your Role as a BEAUTIFUL-DATA Data Analyst Intern

You are a Master of Business Analytics student doing an internship at BEAUTIFUL-DATA. The research team manager (Todd Nash, with a PhD in Data Science and a Master Degree in Digital Marketing) has asked you to lead the data analysis process for the Furphy project and directly report the results to him. You and Todd just finished a meeting wherein he briefed you on the vital purpose of the project.

Todd explained that a model should be built to estimate Furphy's Sales. Therefore, the first goal is to identify key factors that influence Sales. The second goal is to understand the relationship between number of competitors and Sales. He is also interested in gaining insights into factors that influence Furphy stores to open online sales channels. The final goal is to construct a forecasting model, which forecast Furphy's Sales in the upcoming four quarters. From these insights, Todd and consequently Furphy will be in an excellent position to develop plans for the next financial year.


1. Provide an overall summary of the following two variables:

1.1. Sales

1.2. Online Sales Channel

2. Identify potential factors that may influence Sales:

2.1. An appropriate statistical technique could be used here to identify a list of possible factors.

2.2. Build a model (through a model building process) to estimate Sales.

2.3. Todd has done a regression analysis to predict sales using number of competitors and stores open on Sundays. He believes that the relationship between number of competitors and sales should be weaker for those stores that are open on Sundays. Your task here is to test Todd's assumption by modelling the interaction between the predictors mentioned above and the target variable. Comment whether there is sufficient evidence that the interaction term makes a significant contribution to the model.

3. Finalise the model to predict the likelihood of opening an online sales channel:

3.1. Todd has already done an initial analysis for this task. Based on his analysis, Todd has narrowed down the key predictors of the likelihood of opening an online sales channel to "Manager's Age, Experience and Gender". Your task now is to continue his work and develop a predictive model to ascertain the "likelihood of opening an online sales channel". Todd is specifically interested in understanding the probability of stores which meet the following criteria to open an online sales channel:

Those stores with managers,

a) in their mid-thirties;

b) with varying levels of Management Experience (i.e. 2-16 years?);

c) and across both, male and female store managers.

3.2. Todd believes that the age, experience and the gender of the store manager may influence the decision to open an online sales channel. Therefore, it is essential for Furphy to know whether effort and money should be put into recruiting tech-savvy young managers. Accordingly, your job is to visualise the predicted probability of opening online sales channels with the attributes described earlier.

4. Develop a time-series model to forecast Sales in the next four fiscal quarters.

5. Produce a written report detailing ALL aspects of your analysis. Your description should be as detailed as possible and should describe ALL critical outputs of your analysis. Make sure to provide recommendations to Client's management that will guide them to improve their decision-making. The results of your analyses should drive your recommendations/insights.

To accomplish allocated tasks, you need to examine and analyse the dataset (stores.xlsx) thoroughly. Below are some guidelines to follow:

Task 1 - Summarising Dependent Variables

The purpose of this task is to analyse and explore key features of these two variables individually. At the very least, you should thoroughly investigate relevant summary measures/charts and graphs of these two variables. Proper visualisations should be used to illustrate key features.

Your technical report should describe ALL key aspects of each variable.

Task 2.1. - Identifying relevant factors for estimating Sales

Analyse the relevant dependent variable against other variables included in the dataset. Your job is to decide which variables to include here. Use an appropriate technique to identify important relationships.

The outcome of this task is a list of variables that should be included in the subsequent analysis.

Your technical report should describe why some variables were selected while others were dropped from subsequent analyses.

Task 2.2. - Model building (estimating Sales)

You should follow a model building process. All steps of the model building process should be included in your analysis. You can have as many Excel worksheets (tabs) as you require to clearly demonstrate different iterations of your regression model (i.e., 2.2.a., 2.2.b., 2.2.c. etc.).

Your technical report should clearly explain why the model may have undergone several iterations. Also, you must provide a detailed interpretation of ALL elements of the final model.

Task 2.3. - Interaction effect

To accomplish this task, you need to develop a regression model using ONLY the factors discussed in the meeting (Task 2.3). In other words, this section of analysis is separate from the regression model constructed in Task 2.2.

Your technical report should clearly explain the role of each variable included in the model. A proper visualisation technique should be used.

Make sure you interpret all relevant outputs in detail and provide managerial recommendations based on the results of your analysis.

Task 3.1. - Model building (likelihood of opening online sales channels)

You should start building the predictive model by including ONLY the variables listed in the ‘minutes of the meeting - Task 3.1.'. Note that your final model should only include those variables that have predictive value. You must make reasonable/realistic/practical assumptions about the parameters mentioned in Task 3.1.

You are required to discuss all details of your predictive model.

Task 3.2. - Visualising and interpreting predicted probabilities

Your technical report must include the predicted probability visualisation and be supplemented by practical recommendations to Furphy's Management. These recommendations should answer the following question:

"How changes in Experience, Age and the Gender of the manager may affect the predicted probability of opening an online channel."

Task 4. - Forecasting Sales

Furphy's past quarterly Sales are given in the Excel file. Your job is to develop a proper forecasting model to predict turnover for the next four quarters.

In your technical report, you must explain the reason for selecting the forecasting method to predict future sales. The report also must include a detailed interpretation of the final model (e.g. a practical interpretation of the time-series model, choices about smoothing techniques etc.).

Task 5. - Technical report

Your technical report must be as comprehensive as possible. ALL aspects of your analysis and final outputs must be described/interpreted in detail. Remember, your audience are experts in analytics and expect a very high standard of work from your report. High standards means quality content (demonstrated attention to details) as well as an aesthetically appealing report.

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Marketing Management: Identify potential factors may influence sales
Reference No:- TGS03037120

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