Identify potential causes that may tie to deficiencies

Discussion Post: Total Environmental Health Unit Safety

• Explain the Five Why technique, and describe how this technique can be used in incident investigation to identify potential causes that may tie to deficiencies in processes and management systems rather than mistakes made by workers?

• Compare and contrast the concepts of macro and micro thinking as they relate to safety and health management in the workplace. Which is more in alignment with the safety management systems approach and why?

• Appraise the concept of organizational culture and its relationship to successful implementation of safety management systems.

• Manuele states that top-level decisions largely cause potential for human error, and this impact spreads through the entire organization. Examine this statement with respect to how it aligns with the tenets of the safety management systems approach to produce desired results.

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: Identify potential causes that may tie to deficiencies
Reference No:- TGS03147495

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