
Identify physical security attacks and vulnerabilities


A. Describe the different types of malicious software and what damage they can do
B. Describe methods of protecting against malware attacks
C. Describe the types of network attacks
D. Identify physical security attacks and vulnerabilities
E. Explain that the biggest problem with adware is that it slows down the computer it's running on.
F. Describe a Ping of Death attack as an attack that causes the victim computer to freeze and malfunction.
G. What type of malware do you think is the most destructive: viruses, worms, Trojan programs, spyware, or adware?

Define the Following Key Terms

1) adware
2) attack
3) backdoor
4) botnet
5) buffer overflow attack
6) computer security
7) denial-of-service (DoS) attack
8) distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack
9) exploit
10) keyloggers
11) macro virus.

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Computer Engineering: Identify physical security attacks and vulnerabilities
Reference No:- TGS03276484

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