
Identify personal and social concerns that you have

• At the beginning of the semester you made a recording in which you interviewed yourself and answered questions about your own ideas and attitudes about racism.

In many ways the recording represents a story about your racial identity.

As we approach the end of the semester, it is time to listen to the recording and reflect on your own story then and now.

For your Self-Reflection Paper your assignment is to:

1. Listen to your recording and consider:

Carve out a block of time and listen to your recording without interruption. After listening to the recording, write down your initial responses to hearing your interview.

Were you surprised to hear any of your responses? Would any of your answers change? Remain the same? What were your feelings as you listened? What did you learn about yourself from listening to the recording? How do you understand your impressions and responses?

2. Respond to the following questions: a. Use the appropriate Racial Identity Development model to describe your understanding of your own development:

your assessment of your primary stage of RID at the start of the semester and where you see yourself now, providing concrete and specific examples from your recording and experiences over the course of the semester, both in and outside of class.

Identify events and/or experiences that you feel facilitated your change process.

Elaborate on other factors (e.g. gender/gender identity and expression, class, religion, ethnicity, sexuality, etc.) that have been central to your sense of self and that may impact your sense of racial identity. Identify personal and social concerns that you have resolved or are working on.

b. Reflect on your current understanding of institutional and systemic racism, and if that is consistent with, or different from, what you expressed on your recording, and how you are applying that understanding.

c. What is your understanding ("your story") of your racial identity? How has your understanding/story evolved or changed over the course of the semester? In what ways?

In what ways has it remained the same? What have you come to understand about:

• Barriers within and outside of yourself that make it difficult to confront racism

• Resources both within and outside of self that can help you in confronting racism

• Steps you will take in your personal journey after leaving this course d. Identify 3-5 references that have been useful to you in the development of your thinking and self awareness. The purpose of the assignment is self reflection.

Refer only to ideas, events and readings that were most significant to you in your analy(the Self-Reflection Paper) is due Week 11.

This paper is a 5-6 page reflective writing assignment utilizing the self-recording you did for Week 2, the logs you have written, and concepts from the course, and should include 3-5 references.

• Listen to your recording, write down your initial responses.

• Respond to the following questions (headers encouraged):

- Use the racial identity development models

• Elaborate on other identities (e.g., class, gender, ability, age religion, ethnicity, sexuality) that are central to your sense of self

• Identify personal and social concerns that you have resolved or are working on.

- Reflect on your current understanding of institutional and systemic racism

- What is the "story" of your racial identity?

• Identify 3-4 references, 5-6 pages

Write in first person, focus is on self-reflection

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Dissertation: Identify personal and social concerns that you have
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