Accessing valid health information and health-promoting products and services can be a valuable asset to you or others you know especially when it is necessary to address a specific need. Generate a reference database that promotes interpersonal communication skills to enhance health healthy behaviors and/or lifestyles within the following contexts:
Strategies for teaching communication skills for expressing needs, wants, and feelings; communicating, care, consideration, and respect of self and others; conflict resolution; refusal skills; AND
Strategies for facilitating dialogue related to controversial health issues: AND
Strategies for goal-setting and decision-making skills to enhance health at a specific developmental level.
Your database should include the following information:
Identify or cite 3 specific health information sources.
Evaluate the validity of each source.
Provide a 2-4 sentence rationale for appropriateness of each source.
Summarize each reference separately and aggregate your database on one electronic Word document. Submit electronically via Blackboard.