
Identify operational requirements for beginning of build

Assessment 1: Identify operational requirements, and plan for the beginning of the build. (Maximum of 500 words)

Review the building plans to determine the requirements of the project and the site. Then begin organising the build by:

a) Referring to the subcontractor register in appendix A to determine which subcontractors suit the job requirements

b) Creating procedures to ensure that access to the site is available for both vehicles and pedestrians

c) Organising a building permit using the form supplied in the company documents

d) Determining which suppliers are available for this project using the supplier details available in appendix B

This assessment may be a maximum of 500 words.

Assessment 2: Create compliant policies and procedures to manage this project. (Maximum of 1000 words)

In order for works to begin at the site, you will need to create a set of policies and procedures to ensure that employees, subcontractors, suppliers, visitors and the client know Metharom's expectations for their on-site behaviour.

You will need to:

a) Create a project implementation plan specific to this project using the template provided in appendix C

b) Create a procedure to ensure that access to the site, including site deliveries are monitored and controlled

c) Implement a register for recording hiring of plant and equipment

d) Determine a minimum of five risks associated with the build and create a risk treatment for each

e) Create a procedure to ensure that hazardous waste and chemical removal is compliant with regulations and legislation

This assessment must not exceed 1000 words.

Assessment 3: Manage scheduling and equipment requirements. (Maximum of 450 words)

For this assessment the student is required to prepare a project schedule. One has been prepared for them and placed in the appendices as a reference. The student then needs to do the following:

a) Describe a method of managing multiple projects

b) Use the information provided in appendix D to determine the plant requirements

c) List 3 factors that could delay the construction works, and

d) Determine 1 way that you could adjust the schedule to ensure that work is completed on time. Justify your answer.

e) Organise the data in the appendices into a project schedule. You will need to include the approximate duration of each task.

This assessment should be no more than 450 words

Assessment 4: Draw a critical path diagram for the build, and determine site requirements.

Prepare a critical path diagram for the build, using appendix D as a guide.

Your diagram will need to include:

a) The critical path of the project

b) When temporary services (such as water and power) will be required

c) When site facilities will need to be delivered to the site

Assessment 5: Prepare a sketch plan.

Using the template provided in appendix E, prepare a condition report for the site. You may also use the engineer's documents regarding the site for additional assistance, as well as the project plans.

You will need to communicate the condition report to the local council (to be played by your assessor). Your condition report therefore must be submitted as a soft copy.

Maximum of 100 words.

Assessment 6:

Problem 1 Describe two internal factors that affect the productivity of work on a construction site.

Problem 2 Explain one internal challenge to a company's productivity.

Problem 3 Name and explain the parts of a '5S' plan.

Problem 4 Briefly describe the meaning of 'lean project delivery'.\

Problem 5 What is a subcontractor?

Problem 6 Define the term 'second-tier subcontractor'.

Problem 7 List two differences between employees and subcontractors.

Problem 8 What are 5 records that a site manager/supervisor should keep on-site?

Problem 9 What are 4 things that would be inspected before preparing a defect report?\

Problem 10 When should a planning permit be applied for?

Problem 11 Briefly outline the process of obtaining an occupancy permit.

Problem 12 What are two methods that an assessment authority might use to assess your performance solution?

Problem 13 What class of building is a retail store?

Problem 14 If 91% of the third floor is a class 5 building, and 9% is a retail space, what class is the building?

Problem 15 Can an unregistered builder legally enter into a domestic building contract worth $15,000?

Problem 16 List 3 pieces of information that should be included within a contract.

Problem 17 What is the purpose of a backhoe?\

Problem 18 What is the benefit of using an in-transit concrete mixer, rather than a cement mixer?

Attachment:- Plan building or construction work.rar

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Civil Engineering: Identify operational requirements for beginning of build
Reference No:- TGS03055416

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