
Identify one tangible community resource that might useful


Given what you understand about communicating with parents from a strength based perspective and the belief that partnership is so important for optimal development, please write exactly what you would say(or record a video and upload), to approach these topics with parents. Lastly, identify one tangible community resource that might be useful in addressing each of the situations below. You should have one resource per scenario.

I. You are somewhat concerned about one of the children in your family child care home program. His language seems to be lagging far beyond typical norms, and this is impacting his social development. Other children are avoiding him at play times. His frustration level seems high-he has frequent temper outbursts.

II. Judy is three years and six months old and is much smaller than the other children in her classroom. She speaks indistinctly-often not more than two words at a time. She plays by herself most of the time and in fact seems to shrink back when other children or most adults approach her. She has well-developed fine-motor skills and is extremely creative when she paints.

III. Co-parents begin arguing with each other during a conference with you. The argument is about who should help with homework, and becomes quite heated. They began cursing and talking about their personal relationship.

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Reference No:- TGS03296164

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