
Identify one specific issue and defend a particular

The topic of the paper is regarding LGBTQ Rights. It must be 6-8 pages and follow the format instructions as well as provide works cited.

Choose any topic regarding LGBTQ rights that you are most comfortable writing about.

Part II Contemporary Issues Paper :, LGBTQ rights

In addition to the group presentation, prepare your own separate paper on the issue.

Identify one specific issue and defend a particular position on the issue. Defend the same position as other members of your group. Paper should include a thesis stating your position, an affirmative defense of your position, one or two objection(s) to your position, and response to the objection(s).

Consult the philosophy department's writing guidelines: https://www.csus.edu/phil/guidance/writing%20guidelines.html.

For this paper, use outside sources, but this is not required. Include a Works Cited page (not included in the page limit or word count below) that includes all citations. For the Works Cited page, you should any style manual (APA, Chicago Manual of Style, MLA, etc.) and follow it consistently.

Meet the following specifications: six toeight pages (no more than 2500 words), typed, double-spaced, 12-font, with regular margins, in a Word document.

Your paper will be evaluated on the following grounds:
• how well you defend your thesis with argument or reasons,
• the strength of the objections addressed and how well you respond to the objections,
• how well you integrate the relevant course material in your discussion, and
• whether the paper is well-written and well-organized.

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Essay Writing: Identify one specific issue and defend a particular
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