
Identify one significant strength and one significant need


Scenario: You are Damodrick's first grade teacher. The assessments in this assignment were collected in Damodrick's first two weeks of first grade. Your task is to interpret the assessments and construct an instructional plan for Damodrick.

Format: This assignment mirrors the format of the Constructed Response Question (CRQ) that will appear on the Science of Teaching Reading Certification Examination. The directions for this assignment have been modeled after the CRQ task included within the TEA Preparation Manual (2020).


I. Identify one significant strength AND one significant need that the student demonstrates related to foundational reading skills (e.g., phonemic awareness skills, phonics skills, recognition of high-frequency words, syllabication skills, morphemic analysis skills, automaticity, reading fluency). Cite specific evidence from the exhibits. Claims based on just 1 assessment are weaker than claims based on 2 or more assessments.

II. Describe one appropriate instructional strategy or activity that would address the need related to foundational reading skills and meet relevant grade-level standards.

III. Identify one significant strength AND one significant need that the student demonstrates related to reading comprehension (e.g., vocabulary knowledge; knowledge of sentence and grammatical structures; application of literal, inferential, or evaluative comprehension skills; use of comprehension strategies; application of text analysis skills to a literary or informational text). Cite specific evidence from the exhibits. Claims based on just 1 assessment are weaker than claims based on 2 or more assessments.

IV. Describe one appropriate instructional strategy or activity that would address the need related to foundational reading skills and meet relevant grade-level standards. E- Summarize why each of the instructional strategies or activities you described would be effective in addressing the needs you identified, and in helping the student achieve grade-level reading standards as described in the TEKS for ELAR.

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English: Identify one significant strength and one significant need
Reference No:- TGS03315239

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