Using the 7 domains of analysis noted in Figure 2 of the Pursio et al. (2024) article and the TOP10 items (Extracted of PES-NWI) from the right-hand side of Table 5 of the Martinez-Riera et al. (2020) article develop a professional presentation that aligns with the requirements noted below. Include the following in your presentation: A title slide A minimum of four slides for each of the 7 domains of analysis from the Pursio et al. (2024) article (total of 28 slides for this element of the presentation) first slide for each domain of analysis - Title of the Domain (from the Pursio et al. article) second slide - correlate that domain with what you perceive to be the appropriate PES-NWI item(s) noted in the right-hand side of Table 5 of the Martinez-Riera et al. (2020) article third slide for each domain of analysis - provide a discussion of your observations and thoughts about the strengths and opportunities in your current practice environment with the PES-NWI items you have correlated with this domain; this discussion may require more than a single slide fourth slide for each domain of analysis - identify one nursing leadership strategy you would deploy to either. Want Professional Help?