Identify one negative and one positive risk for the project scope listed below, and develop a response strategy for each. In addition, create a scenario of a potential change to the project, and then design the change control process to obtain approval for the change.
Official project name description: Project Brass Ring
Location, i.e., where the project is located: Paradise Valley
Project goal: The objective of this technology project proposal plan is to lay out a solid foundation that will be utilized to help Cielo Technologies with the execution of their newly developed Infrastructure.
Business case: Cielo Technologies is a small IT consulting firm located in Paradise Valley. There is a group of 20 staff members which will provide IT services supporting other local small business’ with their IT needs. Currently the firm is relocating to a new office in 8 weeks and their current infrastructure is archaic and needs significant upgrades.
Expected project outcome: The goal of this plan is to create a well-designed IT work environment for its 20 staff members to successfully support both their internal and external customer’s needs.
Basic timeline that shows how you will implement the plan: Cielo Technologies relocating to their new office in 8 weeks. The project should be completed by 9/28/2017.
Resources required for the project: Computer Equipment; (1) Printer; Network Equipment and cables; (3) IT Staff members; Maintenance Costs for the first year.
Approximate budget: $264,000
Communications or reporting structure: Weekly status meetings.