
Identify one american firm which operates oversees discuss


Please choose from one of the following two topics and write an essay. Your essay must be (1) original, (2) grammatically correct, with proper spelling, and (3) headed by a standard cover page. The body of the paper must between three pages to five pages of double-spaced text, although a one-page appendix/reference can be added to your paper. You need to use at least three sources for references from journal articles and books (APA style for the reference is preferred). Online resources can be used but please cite the website in the reference. Late papers will receive ZERO credit.

Essays are due AT THE START OF CLASS. Please print out a stapled copy of your essay, electronic version is not accepted.

As for Topic 1, you need to cover the following three issues:

1. Identify one American firm which operates oversees. What are the differences of their policies practiced here in the United States and overseas?

2. Identify which managerial (economics) decisions make them successful and what managerial (economics) decisions make them unsuccessful.

3. Focus on how different social and political background, different market and cultural structures, and different geographic locations could influence managerial and economics decisions.

Topic 2: "The ultimate test of man's conscience may be his willingness to sacrifice something today for future generations whose words of thanks will not be heard." Gaylord Nelson former governor of Wisconsin, co-founder of Earth Day. As for Topic 2, you need to cover the following three issues.

1. Discuss about how we could strike a balance between today's economic development and environmental destruction (the pros and cons).

2. Discuss past discoveries of questionable business practices, which lead to environmental problems.

3. Identify a successful US firm with a well-known positive company image. Identify the managerial practices that have lead to such success.

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Managerial Economics: Identify one american firm which operates oversees discuss
Reference No:- TGS02457147

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