
Identify official name of

Community Resource Web Site Report (10 points possible; maximum 8 points possible if assignment is turned in past the due date). Sign up to review a web site for a disease or disorder we will be studying this semester (one student per disease.) Find a web site in Williams & Hopper, or search for a site with the best and most patient information for the specific disease you have selected. The web site you select must offer resources for people or families dealing with a disorder (Caution: site cannot be just for health care provider). Investigate the disease-specific web site and provide the following information to submit for this assignment. Do not submit printed copies of web pages or resources. Number your answers in accordance with the directions below. Submit this report as a word document on the assignment page in blackboard. This is due on October 9th and you will present on last clinical day, October 27th.

1. Identify official name of resource (i.e., The American Cancer Society), and site address on web and its purpose as described on the site.

2. Describe disorder(s) addressed by this site and include one piece of information you learned from this site that you consider to be essential (Please use this terminology so we can identify it when grading) for a person with this disease to know. This should be at least a paragraph. If the site addresses several disorders select only one to complete this item.

3. List the types of patient information about the selected disease provided by the resource (i.e., "This site provides patients with information about disease symptoms, medications/ treatments, complications, and prognosis."). If there is no patient information you've chosen an inappropriate web site and should select a different site.

4. Describe what this resource offers patients or families with this disorder in addition to information about the disorder (i.e., support groups, counseling, locating specialists in the area, financial resources, legal resources, assistive devices, personal contacts, exercise activities or groups, links to other helpful resources). Identify where and when a person could attend meetings of the local or regional chapter or support group if it exists.

5. Why would you or would you not recommend this resource to a client with this disorder? (A site providing good information on evaluating web sites is https://library.albany.edu/internet/evaluate.html .) Consider these questions: Was it easy to use? Do you believe the information was truthful and accurate? Was the language used written at a 4th grade level in order to be understood by most of our population? Might the resource have had other motives or conflicts of interest that could have slanted the information provided?

6. Compare your chosen web site with another site about the same disorder. Give the web address of the other site. Which site would be most useful to a client with this disorder? Explain why.

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Other Subject: Identify official name of
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