
Identify obviously dominated treatments eliminate these


Treatment cost Life expectancy

Treatment A $3,000 10 years

Treatment Z $5,000 13 years

Treatment B $7,000 17 years

Treatment Y $9,000 19 years

Treatment C $11,000 27 years

Treatment X $13,000 23 years

Treatment D $15,000 31 years

Treatment W $17,000 29 years

No treatment $0 2 years

1. Identify obviously dominated treatments, if any. Identify each dominated treatments and the corresponding dominating treatments that dominate it.

2. Eliminate these obviously dominated treatments from the table for further analysis

3. Solve for the ACER for the remaining treatments

4. Solve for the ICERs

A. If we start from treatment A

B. If we start from treatment Z

C. If we start from treatment B

D. If we start from treatment Y

5. Are there marginally dominated treatments? Identify

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Financial Management: Identify obviously dominated treatments eliminate these
Reference No:- TGS02340720

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