Identify major comprehension difficulties posed by content

Assignment task:

Reading and Writing in the Content Areas and Study Skills

Chapter discusses the special demands made by content area texts and introduces a variety of strategies for learning to read from content text, including writing to learn. In addition, chapter 10 discusses the basic principles of studying and retention and explores key test-taking strategies. Conscious use of study strategies is emphasized by teaching students when and where as well as how to use them. read the text  carefully to find out about techniques you  might use to help your students better understand and remember content area material. Note the KWL and SQ3R study strategies as you read and the definitions of key terms presented in the digital glossary at point of use or print glossary at the end of the chapter.

As a result of reading this chapter, students will learn and be able to:

Identify the major comprehension difficulties posed by content-area reading and teach strategies to overcome those difficulties.

Make effective, differentiated use of content-area texts and related materials.

Teach writing as a means of fostering learning and promoting deeper understanding of content.

Teach content-area literacy to English language learners (ELs).

Build effective study skills.


After reading the chapter, discuss the following questions

What are ways in which writing can be used to promote comprehension of content-area material?

Fill out the attached Semantic feature Analysis to show understanding of the different strategies discussed in the book.

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English: Identify major comprehension difficulties posed by content
Reference No:- TGS03430266

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