Identify main claim which the source is being used

Assignment task: Read the passage below. Comment on whether you accept the claim for which the source, Dr Alejandro Junger, is cited as an authority. Specifically,

(a) Identify the main claim(s) which the source is being used to support

(b) State whether you would accept the claim(s) on the source's word and explain your answer

Here at Goop, we're no strangers to the power of sweat when it comes to detoxing, but were curious to learn more about why infrared saunas in particular are cited as being so effective. Curious, we asked Dr. Alejandro Junger a few questions about how they work, and where to find the best ones. He said,

"Sweating inside a heated space has transcended time and many cultures: From Roman times, to the Ancient Greeks and Russians, as well as the Native Americans who had sweat lodges, the benefits of sweating have been known to mankind. The skin is our largest organ, and sweat is one of the major elimination channels for toxins. The infrared band in the spectrum of light is the one that we perceive as heat. It makes the body sweat at lower temperatures than the ones needed for regular convection heated saunas, so people tolerate it better. Because infrared penetrates deeper-up to three inches-it mobilizes and burns fat, which not only helps with weight loss but with detoxification as well, since many of the toxins we absorb are surrounded and trapped by fat. Infrared saunas are also smaller and easier to install than regular saunas, and are more affordable. I try to get in the sauna every day until I break a sweat. This need be no longer that 15 minutes. Longer sessions of 30 minutes, 3-4 times a week are also a great plan. But in general, you should do it as often as you can."

Adapted from "The Power of Infrared Saunas",, Accessed 2020

Background Information on Dr Alejandro Junger:

Dr Alejandro Junger is an LA-based cardiologist, MD, who graduated from medical school in Uruguay, where he was born.  He completed his training in internal medicine at NYU Downtown Hospital and a fellowship in cardiovascular diseases at Lenox Hill Hospital before studying Eastern medicine in India. An adrenal fatigue expert, Dr. Junger developed the Goop vitamin and supplement protocol Why Am I So Effing Tired?, designed to help rebalance an overtaxed system. His new book, Clean7, is out now.


a) position to know

b) reliability

c) corroborating evidence

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