Identify key candidate order winners and qualifiers for an organisation of your choice and examine how that organisation might deliver and improve on the order winners/qualifiers. Discuss the potential implications of delivering improved level of the order winners/qualifiers (or lack of improvement) on the organisations’ supply chains. (max. 3500 words)
Assessment criteria:
- Clarity of expression
- Content development and relevance
- Understanding of issues
- Analysis and synthesis of information from a variety of sources
- Relevant and correct citations
- Novelty and ew insights
Module textbook:
The following book is an essential reading:
Hill, T (2005) Operations Management Strategic Context and Managerial Analysis. Second Edition, Palgrave
It is recommended that you supplement the text with reading from the following:
Many other books cover the material in the lecture programme. Some of these books may prove useful if you wish to cover a topic in more depth or understand it from a different perspective. The following is a small selection of references for further reading.
Balegun, J et al. (2003) Exploring Strategic Change FT Prentice Hall
Johnson, R and Clark, G (2005) Service Operations Management (Improving Service Delivery).
2nd ed. FT Prentice Hall
Lowson RH (2002) Strategic Operations Management The New Competitive Advantage. Routledge.
Porter, ME (2004) Competitive Strategies : Techniques for Analysing Industries and Competitors. Free Press
Scholes, K (2004) Exploring Corporate Strategy: Text and Cases FT Prentice Hall
Scholes, K, Johnson, G and Barney JB (2005) Exploring Corporate Strategy: Text Cases : With Onekey Coursecompass Access Card And Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage 2nd Revised ed. FT Prentice Hall
Slack, N, Chambers, S and Johnson, R (2004) Operations Management 4th ed. FT Prentice Hall
Slack, N and Lewis, M (2002) Operations Strategy. FT Prentice Hall
Journals the Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Journal of perations Management.
There are several newspapers and magazines that deal with general business and management issues. Most broadsheet newspapers will have a business section, the Financial Times is a dedicated business paper and the Economist magazine has a strong business focus.