
Identify issues with the employees motivation based on the

Management Assignment

Length: 2,000


In this assignment, your group's task is to develop a full report on the Millennial's employee motivation. Put yourself in a role of an organisational consultant and A) identify issues with the employees' motivation based on the application of below identified OB theories/models/concepts, B) discuss implications of the identified issues for managing the psychological contract and the organisation, C) provide three recommendations for motivating Millennials in the given situation.

You are required to use and apply the following OB models and concepts in the report:

• Extrinsic motivators of your choice (e.g., managing pay, pp.143-147)

• Intrinsic motivators of your choice (e.g., job characteristics model pp. 171-6; goal-setting theory pp.179-183)

These OB models are powerful analysis tools when used correctly. Make sure to explain and discuss each of the OB concepts/models that you use in the report, before applying them in identifying the employee's motivation issues. You can use tables and other visual tools for presenting information in the report.

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Business Management: Identify issues with the employees motivation based on the
Reference No:- TGS02418477

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