
Identify issues with current appraisal process proposal for

Assignment: Optimizing Employee Performance

Assignment 2 separate documents for an organization called Matrix Inc. Use provided outline to guide assignment

-1st doc 1000-1200 words addressing the following

Compare and contrast different motivational theories.

Explain why motivation is a main concern during the performance appraisal process and how motivational levels can be impacted by this process.

Evaluate correlations between motivation and the ability to perform.

Identify strategies that can be used at Matrix for improving individual performance and how can these strategies reduce negative reactions to the performance appraisal process

- 2nd Document 400-600 words

Connect the research from above to the following topics to support the changes to Matrix's performance appraisal process

Ethical and legal dilemmas associated with "potential bias" within performance appraisal systems

Court case studies (e.g., Albemarle Paper Co. v. Moody)

Absence of adverse impact

Why formal evaluation criteria will ensure a reduction in rater bias and increase legal compliance

1. Introduction - Optimizing Employee Performance -

Proposal for the improvement of the performance appraisal system at Matrix

2. The performance Appraisal

a. Define
b. Identify issues with current appraisal process

3. Method to improve performance appraisal process

a. Improve performance
b. Create value in the process among employees

4. Review Job analysis and description

a. Linking the performance appraisal to company objective
b. Aligning expectations with job description

5. Introducing new appraisal process to management

a. Feedback processes
b. Managements responsibilities
c. Training

6. Performance appraisal timing
a. Advantages
b. Disadvantages

7. Types of appraisals processes

a. Formal

i. Advantages
ii. disadvantages

b. Informal

i. Advantages
ii. Disadvantages

8. Benefiting from using formal and informal appraisal process

9. Performance appraisal methods

a. Comparative Method

i. Pros
ii. Cons

b. Managing by objectives (MBO)

i. Pros
ii. Cons

c. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)

i. Pros
ii. Cons

10. Rating Errors

a. How to avoid raters bias
b. Guidelines for rater

11. Conclusion.

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HR Management: Identify issues with current appraisal process proposal for
Reference No:- TGS02498953

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