
Identify issues to be considered when meeting the


Hayward, C. (2006). Healthcare Facility Planning: Thinking Strategically. Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.
Vickery, C.G., Nyberg, G., &Whiteaker, D. (2015). Modern Clinic Design: Strategies for an Era of Change. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Instructions: Please ensure to substantiate your response with scholarly sources and/or also a personal account of your own experience in the work place or personal life. Cite and reference work! Must be 150 -200 word count.

1. How would you leverage principles of sustainable health care, Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED), "green" design, etc., when designing or renovating an existing health care facility?

2. How will you build flexibility into your facility design and why?

3. Discuss some considerations and challenges in the retail facilities:

i. 1. Location
ii. 2. Architecture
iii. 3. Visibility
iv. 4. Patient Experience
v. 5. Care Philosophy
vi. 6. Electronic Health Record
vii. 7. Telehealth
viii. 8. Standards of Operations & Regulations
ix. 9. Building Systems
x. 10. Types of services
xi. 11. Staffing

4. This chapter discusses some clinic models -pick one and discuss:

i. 1. Convenient Care Clinics (CCC's)
ii. 2. Clinics in Retail Settings

5. Discuss some trends in retail care facilities--pick one and discuss:

i. Healthcare reform
ii. Cultural shifts
iii. Wellness vs Disease management
iv. Landlord attitudes
v. Consumerism
vi. Economics
vii. Reimbursement structures
viii. Return on Investment
ix. Demographics
x. Ownership

6. How are demographic needs (e.g., culture, race, gender, age, religion, etc.) considered when designing a health care facility? What role does population density play regarding the availability of comparative health care services in the design of health facilities?

7. Discuss one of these future trends shaping medicine:

i. Gamifying health
ii. Empowered patients
iii. Telemedicine
iv. Re-thinking Medical Curriculum
v. Surgical robots
vi. Genomics
vii. Body Sensors
viii. Portable diagnostics
ix. DIY Biotechnology
x. 3D printing revolution
xi. Iron Man & prosthetics

8. Future tech trends - discuss one that interests you:

i. Artificial Intelligence
ii. Growing organs
iii. Eating in the future
iv. Augments/Virtual reality
v. The end of human experimentation
vi. Nanorobots
vii. Future hospitals
viii. Virtual - digital brains
ix. Cryonics and longevity

9. How are electronic medical/health records, telemedicine, and smart devices affecting the health care organization where you work or are a patient at? What impact does the rate of technological change have on the delivery of health care services?

10. Research the standard operating procedures for waste management, fire and safety, and disaster management for your selected facility.
Select 1 area below to use in your presentation:

• Security management

Write a 2 slide presentation onSecurity management in renovation or new planning of a health care facility. Include the following in your outline:DO ONLY INTRO & CONCLUSION!!!

• Introduction- Only DO THIS!

• Explain the standard operating procedures for your selected issue

• Explain the local, state, and federal legal and regulatory requirements. Consider the following agencies:

o Occupational Safety & Health Administration
o Joint Commission of the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
o Your state's health planning and development agency
o Department of Health & Human Services
o Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments and other agencies as applicable to facility planning

• Identify issues to be considered when meeting the International Building Code for your selected facility.
• Describe measurements that may need to be done in advance of the new plan or renovation.
• List the stakeholders that may play a role in your development of the facility.
• Conclusion- Only Do THIS!

Cite at least 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references.Must include speaker notes. Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

11. Use the facility design to Write a 500- to 700-word summary that includes the following:

• Analyze future trends in technology, equipment, and design of the health care facility you designed.

• Describe your process for designing your facility.

• Discuss any recommendations or suggestions for completing your floor plan differently.
o Describe successes experienced while designing your facility.
o Describe failures experienced while designing your facility.
o Describe what you would do differently to address your failures.

• Imagine this facility was a renovation of an existing structure and describe what you would have done differently while building your facility.

• Describe what you have learned from designing this facility.

Cite at least 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

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