For this assignment, you are to summarize one section from the book Chapter 4. Be sure to:
1. Cite the section of the book,
2. Summarize the points that you think are important.
Sections in the chapter include:
A. Describe a Group and Distinguish Among Organizational Groups -Functional, Cross-Functional, Project, Virtual, and Interest-Friendship.
B. Explain the Stages of Group Development.
C. Discuss the Importance of Roles, Norms, Status, Cohesiveness, and Group Size to Group Behavior.
D. Describe How Communication and Decision-Making Styles, Risk Taking, and Creativity Affect Group Decisions.
E. List Ways in Which Groups Try to Gain Power over Other Groups.
F. Identify Ways to Resolve Intergroup Conflict.
G. Identify Important Factors in Building Effective Teams.
H. Explain How to Conduct a Successful Job Hunt.
Book: Modern Human Relations at Work, By Kathryn W. Hegar, 11th edition. Cengage.