
Identify her concerns about role as caretaker for her mother


My name is Charles and I'm 50 years old and I don't know why I'm here really. My doctor wanted me to come to talk to somebody. He's been wanting me to do that for a long time; asking me if I'm sad or feeling depressed. And I'm like, "I don't even know what that means really." I'm tired. I've been telling him I've been tired for a long time. And then you know recently I started having this tightness and all this pain in my chest like my heart was going to beat out of my chest. And so then I went back and he's like, "Well have you talked to anybody yet?" And I'm like, "What is it you want me to talk to them about?" It's starting to get on my nerves and agitate me and so I...you know I decided to come so that he would get off my back but I don't know what you can do for me. I don't know how you can help me. Yeah, I'm stressed and so I agree with him on that, but I'm tired. You know I'm working this stupid job and I'm giving them everything that I have and you now they just look right over me. Apparently they don't see color you know because I bust my behind, I do everything that they ask me to do, and I'm up for this promotion and nothing; nothing. You know I have a sick mother at home. She's been declining. She has been living with me for years and now I have staff that has to look after her while I'm not there and I have to take care of her in the evening because I can't afford to have staff stay all the time and I have to do this. I shouldn't be complaining about this because women in my family have done this for years, for decades. Like that's what they do. That's what they do. You know I have to be in that role because who else is going to do it? Who is going to take care of my mom? Like all of her sisters are gone and you know it's just her and now my daughter is sick too so yeah I'm tired and maybe a little stressed and I'm pissed all the time and I can't acknowledge it. I don't acknowledge it because I never heard them complain. They don't complain about the things they have to do, the responsibilities they have, and I should be able to do this. I should be able to handle this. Like I've never heard them complain about money or being tired and I'm tired. Does that mean that I can't do this? Does that mean that I shouldn't do this? How do I do this, you know? So maybe that's why I'm here. Can you fix that? Can you help me fix that? Can I do this? Can I keep taking care of everybody else? I have to. How do I do that? Help me how to figure out how to do that or can I?

Using 3 specific helping skills. These are offering a reflection of feeling, providing a reflecting of meaning, and responding to and with immediacy.

• On the surface, what feelings is Charles expressing?

• How might you reflect Charles's feelings in ways that would help her identify her concerns about her role as caretaker for her mother?

• How might you reflect Charles's feelings in ways that would help her identify her concerns about her situation at work?

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Reference No:- TGS03259920

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