
Identify four points that are made within each

MATTHEW " Unless your righteousness surpases that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven".(5:20)

MARK "Jesus said to them,"If anyone would come after me m let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me" (8:34)

LUKE "Everyone who exalts himself will be hublred but the one who hubles himself will be exalted" (18:14).

JOHN "Jesus answered him ‘Truly , truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God" (3:3).

1.Identify four points that are made within each passage.

2.Summarize the main message of the passage.

3.Relate the passage to that particular gospel (for example show how it ties with the themes or purpose of the gospel or with other things stated in that Gospel to contribute to the author's purpose.)

4.Discuss how this passage may be personally applied in 21st century America.

From the important themes of the pictures for each Gospel. (short paragraph for each gospel)

5. Be able to identify two themes and to give examples of how those themes are addressed in that gospels.


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Other Subject: Identify four points that are made within each
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