
Identify four articles regarding abortion and choice


Article Review: Abortion Issues

Identify four articles regarding abortion and choice. Evaluate your sources using the criteria below. For each source, create a references page entry followed by a short paragraph in which you evaluate that source.


Source appears trustworthy based on author's credentials, reputation of publisher or sponsoring organization. Authors and their credentials and affiliations are clearly identified and a means of contact is provided to affiliated organizations; site sponsors are credible and unbiased.

Accuracy & relevance

Information is supported by reputable and verifiable research; the information is relevant to the research topic and is complete, reliable and accurate. Information is reasonable, relevant, verifiable by other web and print sources. The site is edited and without typos; has an editor who verifies the information; rated by a Web subject index. The source of excerpted information is identified.


The information is up-to-date with a recent copyright date with updates as new and relevant information comes available. The date of publication and last update dates are provided, and the site is regularly updated. The most current version is used. The page links to other reputable pages.


The information is objective and without bias and not relying on fallacies; the intended audience of the information is clear with both sides of the issue presented. The point of view is clearly stated. The information is objective and without bias and not relying on fallacies; the intended audience of the information is clear with both sides of the issue presented. The point of view is clearly stated.
Ads on the page are clearly distinguishable as advertisements.

Organization & support The information includes a bibliography, a useful table of contents and/or index, and its claims are clearly supported and documented. The site content is clearly organized. The site includes a help or search feature and includes links to additional information and provides appropriate bibliographic information.


For text sources

For online sources


Source appears trustworthy based on author's credentials, reputation of publisher or sponsoring organization.

Authors and their credentials and affiliations are clearly identified and a means of contact is provided to affiliated organizations; site sponsors are credible and unbiased.

Accuracy & relevance

Information is supported by reputable and verifiable research; the information is relevant to the research topic and is complete, reliable and accurate.

Information is reasonable, relevant, verifiable by other web and print sources. The site is edited and without typos; has an editor who verifies the information; rated by a Web subject index. The source of excerpted information is identified.


The information is up-to-date with a recent copyright date with updates as new and relevant information comes available.

The date of publication and last update dates are provided, and the site is regularly updated. The most current version is used. The page links to other reputable pages.


The information is objective and without bias and not relying on fallacies; the intended audience of the information is clear with both sides of the issue presented. The point of view is clearly stated.

The information is objective and without bias and not relying on fallacies; the intended audience of the information is clear with both sides of the issue presented. The point of view is clearly stated.

Ads on the page are clearly distinguishable as advertisements.

Organization & support

The information includes a bibliography, a useful table of contents and/or index, and its claims are clearly supported and documented.

The site content is clearly organized. The site includes a help or search feature and includes links to additional information and provides appropriate bibliographic information.

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English: Identify four articles regarding abortion and choice
Reference No:- TGS01926075

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