Identify forms of faulty evidence and reasoning (as well as dismissive communication) in a public argument about an ethical issue. Draw from talk shows, newspaper editorials, speeches, interviews, debates, congressional hearings, and other sources. Possible topics might include national healthcare, Bin Laden''s death, stem cell research, illegal immigration, and reducing the national debt. Respond to at least 2 of your peer''s responses.
Readings for the Week:
Carter, S. M., Rychetnik, L., Dietetics, P., Lloyd, B., Kerridge, I. H., Baur, L., & ... Zask, A. (2011). Evidence, Ethics, and Values: A Framework for Health Promotion. American Journal Of Public Health, 101(3), 465-472
Frank, G., Ofobike, E., & Gradisher, S. (2010). Teaching business ethics: A quandary for accounting educators. Journal of Education for Business, 85(3), 132-138. Retrieved from
Green, S., & Weber, J. (1997). Influencing Ethical Development: Exposing Students to the AICPA Code of Conduct. Journal Of Business Ethics, 16(8), 777-790
Tsuen-Chiuan, T., Harasym, P. H., Coderre, S., McLaughlin, K., & Donnon, T. (2009). Assessing ethical problem solving by reasoning rather than decision making. Medical Education, 43(12), 1188-1197. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2923.2009.03516.x